
A New Championship Challenger

Skrivet Mån, 24 Okt 2016 17:25:16 +0200

The former championship club, Hejvin KB, has moved its roots to the English city, Liverpool. The club led by the all-time great coach, Mikkel Hjorth, is generally very happy about the move, but it does also come with big consequences for the coach.

The new formed club Liverpool, has decided to get a new coach who has the talent to bring the club to the top of the league.

We are pleased to announce, that our new headcoach will be:
Jürgen Klopp.

We talked to Jürgen earlier this week.
" How does it feel for you to be the new coach at Liverpool?"
-"Ich bin sehr erfreut, der neue Trainer von Liverpool zu sein."
We at Liverpool didnt understand a word, so we didnt ask him anymore questions.
