RB Spion Kop FC

Poland reveals his boyhood passion

Skrivet Lör, 3 Sep 2011 19:19:17 +0200

Sildegapet FC player Jakys Poland who is wanted by the club Spion Kop FC revealed he grew up suporrting Spion Kop FC and had a failed trail at Spion Kop FC Academy or back then known as Safkids Academy.
"i had every jersey they had with the number 9 on it.I supported them and oftain want to ther games.We didint live far from the stadium.I remember getting scouted that day. when i had my trails i injured my achilles tendon and failed.I dont want to talk about the possibe transfer to the medie yet." Said a Poland wearing a Spion Kop FC jersey and in his back having his lucky Spion Kop FC Jersey from when he was 5.


Gera Lör, 3 Sep 2011 19:40:23 +0200
your turn to write now.....3rd bid... smiley This is great...