Trufflers United

TUFC Player of the year - Results!

Written viernes, 20 de Abril de 2012 16:51:30 +0200

After 30,000 votes were cast, theese were the results:

7th: Eduardo Lizima 1,000 votes
6th: Heri Berg 2,000 votes
5th: Kenny Bligard 3,000 votes
4th: Christoph Grimseth 4,000 votes
3rd: Eugenio Corral 5,000 votes
2nd:Baldric Hildrith 6,000 votes
1st: Vimaro De Mena 9,000 votes

Well done to all those who played this season, especially our TUFC Player of the season: VIMARO DE MENA!
