Moody Bow


Written viernes, 27 de Agosto de 2010 10:09:00 +0200

Well a new day is dawning and The Bow, ever the optimistic souls, are looking forward to the new challenges that lay ahead. It was noted today that Manager Neil was absent from Training, this probably explains why the results were so crap and the lads sat around eating jam butties while watching last week’s MotD, still onwards and upwards.
Neil was actually trying to secure the loan for the final push towards Moody Bow’s lovely new training ground. Planning permission has come through although they have had to concede on the luminous part – god dam interfering busy-bodies.
It was noted that Neil visited a few banks today to enquire about the remaining funds. It’s fair to say he came away with mixed feelings.
First port of call was The Bank of Prague. Manager Phil was more than willing to loan the money although Neil noted the two rather long armed gentlemen slowly pounding their fists into their palms stood either side of Phil the entire length of the conversation were slightly intimidating. Phil explained the interest repayments were more than competitive with the market rate - 250% is not really what I would call competitive 
Next port of call was The Bank of Sheep. Neil left their pretty quickly after checking out the contract citing he couldn’t understand the small print ..... the slightly larger print ... or in fact the title 
Finally Neil was seen entering the Bank of Cute Poultry where Penny was more than accommodating with her repayment rates but unfortunately couldn’t quite match the amount needed – although she did offer a small start up loan for the grand opening. I mean what kind of opening isn’t complete without cute furry animals and a commemorative stationary set?
It seems Neil will have to wait a little longer before the grand opening but we will keep you all updated as to when it will happen.


viernes, 27 de Agosto de 2010 10:13:30 +0200
Thats got my vote for "Press release of the year" smiley

viernes, 27 de Agosto de 2010 10:15:38 +0200
well won't catch me doing a press relase that long

lol but mmmm

viernes, 27 de Agosto de 2010 19:02:46 +0200
You should only go to the Bank of Sheep if you've got baaaaad credit.
