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Understated Excellence (Messiah) 1 April 2017, 23:42
Are Spain being cheeky?

Deleted club 2 April 2017, 08:25
Spain can hardly hang on to its own political regions that want independence. Gibraltar overwhelmingly wants to remain British and will stay that way. The EU thinks it can make us suffer but in the end it will just show itself for what it is. A flawed institution that can't see beyond its own borders. Deal or no deal i can't wait to get out of it. Negotiating with the EU is not an option we need to tell them how it is. They can take it or leave it.

Understated Excellence (Messiah) 2 April 2017, 09:49
It does appear a little totalitarian the way the EU operate

Deleted club 2 April 2017, 10:11
Gibraltar might depend a lot on free movement of migrant workers from Spain but they seem to forget that particularly youth unemployment in their country is one of the worst in the developed world. Try explaining to Spanish migrants who rely on employment in Gibraltar they have no jobs.

Rhythm FC (MMM) 2 April 2017, 13:38
Kind of Theresa May's fault really. I didn't notice her mention Gibraltar in her 6 page letter to the EU president. She's treated it as an afterthought and now you get this. Spain has always been aggressive over the Gibraltar border so May shouldve saw this coming and out manoeuvred Spain if she was anyway competent at her job.

Deleted club 2 April 2017, 20:40
Britain has many overseas territories why should it need to spell out each one or any at all. We are leaving the EU to get back our sovereignty not to negotiate what our sovereignty is.

Understated Excellence (Messiah) 3 April 2017, 00:27
Dukinfield FC wrote:
Britain has many overseas territories why should it need to spell out each one or any at all. We are leaving the EU to get back our sovereignty not to negotiate what our sovereignty is.

Rhythm FC (MMM) 3 April 2017, 02:07
Well all cards are on the table now thanks to brexit negotiations with the EU. Heck, the EU has kept Spain in check with regards to Gibraltar all this time. Pretty short sighted not to see this issue arising once Article 50 was triggreed. Poor in every respect from Teresa May but then again did anyone expect otherwise from her

Deleted club 3 April 2017, 07:10
The EU doesn't negotiate that is why i voted to leave. When we stop trying to then individual countries in the EU will realise what a big mistake they are making. I am sure it will all work out perfectly well in the end. Either way we don't need a trade deal. We are economically strong enough to deal with it unlike many EU countries which are economic failiures. We will be free to do trade with USA, China and India on our own terms. Potentially worth far more than what could be on offer. Watch the the rest of the EU learn how to make a success of it. They like to make trading difficult by imposing their crazy ideology on countries that want to do business we just get on with it faster and better.

I have more faith in Teresa May than anyone else available to take us out of the EU.

A Z Magma (floki) 20 May 2017, 12:19

I work in Gibraltar

All this being British nonsense they keep going on aboutsmiley

As a Brit they ask me to pay £1200 a month for a poky studio but a GibraltarIan pays £67 a month for a large 3 bed house that's why I live over the border in Spain and the their is A10 million govt rental debt where the locals don't think they have to pay it

They don't want outsiders unless you have millions and will the. Let you do what you want.

All this is about money and the gibbons way of life may change if Spain have a say

I believe Gibraltar should be Spanish everyone speaks Spanish in gib except for the English workers who account for 33%of their economy but arent given anything.

Most gibbos have flats they live in in Spain and rent out their houses illegally in gib to cash in.

I've no time for the small minded greedy little country I cannot wait to get out the goldfish bowl and back to my home in Spain,don't feel any sympathy for this place,viva Espana
