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Posted in Ideas/development

All Ireland (Kieran O Sullivan) 26 March 2017, 14:46
Dukinfield FC wrote:
One reason people don't find this game is because its not got an app. The other is because the developers have screwed around with it too much. People who loved the game for what it was have left. Too much is missing from the game. Tactics are pointless if not embarrassing. I fear that the next load of changes due will turn the game into a complete and utter mess. Player values will go out of the window and the transfer market will become a joke. Probably will be final nail in the coffin for me.
Although your concerns are valid, how they have anything to do with directly brining new people to this game baffles me,
Arguably it could be why people have left or feasibly blocking old people rejoining it.

Tactics hmm they could be better, but any worse than they were I don't see it they used to be crap and they still are imo

Personally I'm looking forward to the new changes having players peak and diminish will stop team sitting at the top both increasing fluidity for lower teams to have a Crack while simultaneously giving the top clubs a this game must be dull when stadium facilties maxed out and your just waiting to see what your 99's can do before they retire still at there peak.

Hopefully movement between leagues will balance to a enjoyable level as at the moment the game seems "level" based you might as well have to take on bowser before securing promotion, possibly due to non promotion teams skewered things

Deleted club 26 March 2017, 19:38
Eadargoil wrote:
Dukinfield FC wrote:
One reason people don't find this game is because its not got an app. The other is because the developers have screwed around with it too much. People who loved the game for what it was have left. Too much is missing from the game. Tactics are pointless if not embarrassing. I fear that the next load of changes due will turn the game into a complete and utter mess. Player values will go out of the window and the transfer market will become a joke. Probably will be final nail in the coffin for me.
Although your concerns are valid, how they have anything to do with directly brining new people to this game baffles me,
Arguably it could be why people have left or feasibly blocking old people rejoining it.

Tactics hmm they could be better, but any worse than they were I don't see it they used to be crap and they still are imo

Personally I'm looking forward to the new changes having players peak and diminish will stop team sitting at the top both increasing fluidity for lower teams to have a Crack while simultaneously giving the top clubs a this game must be dull when stadium facilties maxed out and your just waiting to see what your 99's can do before they retire still at there peak.

Hopefully movement between leagues will balance to a enjoyable level as at the moment the game seems "level" based you might as well have to take on bowser before securing promotion, possibly due to non promotion teams skewered things
I don't have a problem with teams of oldies wining all the titles. The problem is it is too easy to reach the max abilities. Far as i am aware that will be addressed by halving training scores. The problems i fear in the big changes to the game in general is how are they going to roll them out without causing months worth of chaos and upset. On top of that they have been making big changes to the game since i joined it.

As you pointed out they dont affect people finding the game but i used to recommend this game to people now i don't. If people like something they usually spread the word and that is what gets people to play it. If people have a bad experience and they tell everyone then no one will join it.

All Ireland (Kieran O Sullivan) 26 March 2017, 19:59
Aye I'm sure there will be a bit of wild transfers and the like while people figure out who is worth what, hopefully it settles quickly and the majority of people have a little patience (a rare commodity in vast amounts of casual online gamers)