División 3, Grupo 2


Jugador Comprador Vendedor Precio Tiempo
Liang-hsi Fan - The Red and Blue 0 C 04-21, 21:50
Cees Hester Kop Fc Neko FC Udslæt 1 C 04-21, 21:01
Alexei Mccullan CB Cangas The Donut Squad 1.499.999 C 04-21, 20:16
Besik Giorgobiani Masterclass CF Købmanden 8.500.006 C 04-21, 20:09
Daniel Riegler The Donut Squad HeisenBerg IF 1.250.001 C 04-21, 19:58
Sayers Eynon - The Red and Blue 0 C 04-21, 19:50
Matt Lazenby - The Red and Blue 0 C 04-21, 19:26
Guro Holthe - The Red and Blue 0 C 04-21, 19:26
Dietmar Beer The Red and Blue - 1.883 C 04-21, 19:24
Jednis Kawczynski The Red and Blue - 1.581 C 04-21, 19:24
Draupnir Sigurosson The Red and Blue - 1.374 C 04-21, 19:24
Guro Holthe The Red and Blue - 2.331 C 04-21, 19:24
Matt Lazenby The Red and Blue - 2.061 C 04-21, 19:24
Eivind Sejerstad - The Red and Blue 0 C 04-21, 19:24
Mochihiro Tsuzura - The Red and Blue 0 C 04-21, 19:24
Uegene Vande Luevano Årup SivasAski 308.889 C 04-21, 19:07
Bertram Fleschurz Türkiye FK Tc Galatasaray 285.000 C 04-21, 19:05
Christian Gabriel Kværnloftet FC SivasAski 505.451 C 04-21, 19:05
Guido Henning Türkiye FK Tc Galatasaray 115.000 C 04-21, 19:04
Angelerio Scotti Nørgaard FK AS Secilmis 6.999.999 C 04-21, 18:57