

Spiller Køber Sælger Pris Tidspunkt
Ilido Fernandes - Fc mikkel pihl 0 C 24/04, 03:22
Olaf Nitze Fc mikkel pihl - 2.452 C 24/04, 03:20
So-Young Wang Fc mikkel pihl - 1.814 C 24/04, 03:20
Cristovao Marangon Fc mikkel pihl - 1.899 C 24/04, 03:20
Ilido Fernandes Fc mikkel pihl - 2.312 C 24/04, 03:19
Clodoaldo Bosi Fc mikkel pihl - 2.453 C 24/04, 03:19
Sverre Torfasen Kødhammer IF SAS united 375.001 C 23/04, 21:07
Bram Denijs Bally Tophat BenSaunders Foundation 3.565.433 C 23/04, 20:37
Brian Plunkett Taz BK - 2.887 C 23/04, 20:24
Raoul Callens Taz BK - 2.636 C 23/04, 20:24
Sergi Dgebuadze Taz BK - 1.289 C 23/04, 20:24
Benito Van Hoylandt - The Golden Hawks 0 C 23/04, 19:26
Werner Brenner - The Golden Hawks 0 C 23/04, 19:26
Dylan Argandona - The Golden Hawks 0 C 23/04, 19:26
Boy Myers - The Golden Hawks 0 C 23/04, 19:25
Souta Satomi Hana - Kanazawa FC 0 C 23/04, 18:55
Yasunari Togashi Kanazawa FC - 2.193 C 23/04, 18:54
Souta Satomi Hana Kanazawa FC - 3.048 C 23/04, 18:54
Khurshid Yarzada Stratton Oakmont Kurdistan 27.000.012 C 23/04, 18:51
Nehor Aidallbery Shanklys Boys - 16.700 C 23/04, 17:11