CF Galacticos


Written 9 June 2012, 21:17

We are sorry to say this but due to the random bad form the manager Daniel was to depressed to do an interview as he had to attend many meetings discussing this random down fall.

Other News
New record set this season for ticket sales profit and a new club record set for for most profit from one game ( 19,500C ), Since 8:00pm 9/6/12 they have already made 295,000c from ticket sales. And third times a charm another Club record broken for most T's made in one season (2)

It seems as if Daniel is saving up for something big as he has only been selling players this season,

Absalon Mikkelsen 120,000
Reynir Palmason 35,000
Bronius Gedriemus 30,000

Other Stuff That May Interest
  • We have managed to leak from meetings that a new training ground may be being built and upgrades to their otherwise 'small' stadium.
  • The manager has decided to be generous and helped another few teams design their logos, some of which he appears to be really proud of,


Ben Wilks 10 June 2012, 00:20
Great stuff, keep it up.

19 October 2013, 16:32
Nice thing to do for a generous person