Sildegapet FC

Victor Rickenbacher leaves

Written 19 January 2013, 03:50

Victor Rickenbacher has left for 35,000 Credits. He was thought to have had a bust up with manager Chowdhury on the training field before refusing to come off the bench in a league match. He complained of the lack of game time despite the 118 appearances for the whites and 4 goals. He was largely beaten to the number 1 spot by Roger Guttenberger and with the arrival of the German star Jen Hintermeier he made it clear he wanted to leave the Cottage. He was often in the lime light for unconventional behaviour and had to be pulled out of fights by team mates.

However, after the rumoured bust up with Chowdhury, Sildegapet told the keeper he could move on and took a cut price offer for the goal keeper.
