Trufflers United


Written 24 November 2011, 19:53

Trufflers United released the biggest Press release in the history of the club today"

The club announced that they would be selling close to their whole team in a bid to increase financial stability and give the club a "direction to go".

The owners fully back Watezini in his Job and Watezini sais it is devastating to say goodbye to such a magic squad of players but they deserve better than this club is at the moment.

"All of you are club legends, you will never be forgotten, ever" Watezini & owner Truffle herself said it is a sad and historic day.

"We are looking to stablise ourselves financially and become a club for the future, we have our past history behind us and we are very proud of that, but it is time to move on" said Truffle.

The first 3 players Watezini released today were Helmuth Leuger, Gjuremnd Erichsrud and Rhys McEvans.

All the players will be given long tributes and put in the club profile as legends.

Thanks for reading,

Aqua News


Lord Radz 24 November 2011, 22:24
The manager of Diament Garwolin, Lord Radz, wishes Watezini and the whole of Trufflers United the very best of luck in this difficult time.

26 December 2011, 21:12
Max Blansjaar, the manager of FC Garden Gnome, hopes you get through this safely.
Maybe a friendly some time?

Hazwoo Watezini 16 January 2012, 19:55
Trufflers United wish to thank the two clubs and inform them the project is going well

Favour Dickson 7 April 2012, 22:02
This is sad news as we both are in similar positions