
Team parts ways and Cruz's last match

Written 11 December 2018, 16:47

The soon retiring 39 years old midfielder Jose Miguel De La Cruz has played the last match of his carrer. It was a home game against Pixelpoke, which Tapponautit won 3-0, with a goal from Najib Asadabad and two goals by Antioco Soranzo. The match was number 2098 for Cruz in Tapponautit jersey. At the end of the match, Cruz got a huge ovation from the fans and seemed very thankful for that. He gave a short interview before going to celebrate with his teammates

"It's incredbile. This feeling can't be matched by anything. Thank you so so much all the fans, and my teammates!"

After the match and the celebration, the team has parterd ways with all the players except for La Cruz. Since the club will soon become unactive, they have come to the terms with the players to pay them, then release them on free transfer or auctioned them elsewhere. La Cruz will retire today at 18:10 and will mark the end of this journey of Tapponautit. The GM:

"It was very difficult to part with all these players, but it was done in good spirit, no hard feelings. It's tough to think that after tonight, we won't be playing anymore."

The GM will speak more at the official ceremony on 13.12.
