

Temporary shut-downs of specific pages

Bubbles, FC Sunnyvale Developer 28 August 2018, 14:34

Right now we are working on performing the extensive changes in the database structure required as preparation for Youth Teams.

Up until now, we have been working on the smaller database tables, so we have been able to make changes without shutting anything down, but we are now moving on to some of the heavy parts.

This means that you should expect temporary shutdowns of certain pages and functions during the next few days.

For example, in some case you will not be able to carry out any actions involving a player transfer: purchases, sales, firings, etc. In those cases, the affected pages and features will notify you that the feature is temporarily closed.

In other cases, we need to close down the site completely for a short periods of time. In these cases, the downtime shouldn't last longer than 15-20 minutes at a time.

We will not be able to give you advance notice of these shutdowns, as there are simply too many of them. We have to get them done as soon as we are ready, so if we had to give 1 day's notice for each change, we'd never get it done.

The reason these specific changes require downtime is that they make changes to the structure of our database tables - which in many cases are gigantic. This means that these particular changes cannot be carried out in the background.

Once the structural changes are in place, we can proceed with the tasks that create new data and data relationships for use with youth teams. These changes can be made in the background without affecting the game.