

Minor outage Sunday evening

Rasmus Rønn Nielsen, The Dudes 13 January 2013, 20:12

We had an outage of 10-15 minutes Sunday evening. It happened because our database server ran out of disk storage.

I haven't yet been able to find out why this happened - but the immediate problem is now fixed and the site is online again. There are however, certain systems that has to be checked after an outage like this. These checks may cause the site to run slower than usual for the next hour or so.

And of course, I'm doing everything I can to make the season update complete as fast as possible.

Some clubs have lost Credits on auctions as direct consequence of this outage. If you one one of them, please write support and describe what you've lost. We'll help you with a fair compensation.

Update 2: The problems turned out to go farther than initially anticipated. Due to the required server checks mentioned above, most users could not login in for a period of 1-2 hours or so. This error is now also fixed.