

What features do you want?

Rasmus Rønn Nielsen, The Dudes 30 September 2011, 15:02

As game developers it is crucial that we constantly listen to what our users have to say. We should do whatever we can to understand what changes and new additions you want in the game!

However, although we would like to, it simply is not possible for us to have an conversation about the future development with all of you. It would take forever.

Instead, we have developed a new "Proposals page", which makes it fast and easy for you to give us feedback. The page lists a number of proposals that we are currently considering adding to the game. You can vote for the proposals you like the most. You have a total of five votes. Each time you vote for a proposal, you give the proposal 1 point. You can use all five votes on one specific proposal or spread them across several. It is up to you.

The proposals with more points are more likely to be added to the game. In this way you'll have a direct impact on the future of the game.

Only managers with VM Premium are given proposal votes. We think it's fair that the users who are actually contributing to the game's future also get a opportunity to influence the path of development.

Each month you will be given five new votes that you can use to vote up your favorite proposals. To keep the top list up to date, we will withdraw 10% of each proposal's point each month.

If you have VM Premium you should now have received a notification telling you that you have been given 5 proposal votes.

Go to [url=/proposals]the new proposals page[/url] now to use them :)